Weekly Bulletin for 6/20/2021
Weekly Bulletin for June 20th, 2021
Father’s Day & The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Order of Service
Announcements / Joys and Concerns
Opening Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Call to Worship:
Leader: I will bless the Lord at all times; God’s praise shall continually be in my mouth.
PEOPLE: My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad.
Leader: O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt God’s name together!
PEOPLE: I sought the Lord, who answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Leader: Look to God and be radiant, so your faces shall never be ashamed.
PEOPLE: The poor cried out, and the Lord, heard, and saved them out of all their troubles.
Leader: The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear God and delivers them.
PEOPLE: O taste and see that the Lord is good! Happy are those who take refuge in God!
Hymn of Praise: #529 – “How Firm a Foundation” (All Verses)
The Children’s Sermon: Given By – Dee Moran
Contemporary Song: FWS 2149 – “Living For Jesus” ( All Verses)
Offering / Doxology
New Testament Reading – Matthew 11: 28-30, Hebrews 10: 1-3
Gloria Patri – UMH#70
The Word Proclaimed: “Paralyzed by Grace?” – Given By: Pastor Debbie Senters
Closing Hymn: UMH #377 – “It Is Well With My Soul” ( Verse 1 )
Announcements & Community Events
Bible Study: Please join us each Tuesday at 10 a.m.
Liturgist: Please sign the sheet in the Lobby if you are available to be a liturgist.
Sunday School: Please join us for classes each Sunday at 10 a.m.
Card Players: Please join the fun on Tuesday, June 22nd at 1:30 p.m.
Love in the Lunch Box: Please sign the sheet in the Lobby if you can help with the annual walking tacos lunch on June 24th from 10 a.m. to 1:00 pm (get food to and from church to Library and to serve the food.) Contact is Sheryl Brotton 316-706-4038.
TEFAP: Please sign the sheet in the Lobby if you can help from 9-11 a.m. on June 26th
Noisy Offering: Please collect your coins for the children’s programs on June 27th
Senior Center Monterrey Dinner: Monday June 28th from 5-7 p.m.
The Back to School Sharing and Caring Event: Will be July 26 from 6-7:30 at the Christian Church in Rose Hill.
Baby LeBlanc: If you would like to contribute to a Welcome Baby Gift for Josh & Shannon LeBlanc, they would welcome diapers/wipes, etc for their new baby boy due in July. Please bring gifts to church prior to July 18th.
Open Door: The United Methodist Open Door needs volunteers to do office jobs, distribution of food and work at the Klothes Kloset. Contact is Tim Stead at 316-267-4201 or 316-265-9371.
Dial-In Worship Line: Call no more than 5 minutes before 11 a.m. to (551) 258-6349 to listen to the live stream audio without the need of a computer or internet connection – just use a landline, flip phone or smart phone.
Happy Father’s Day: A special thanks to all the fathers for their never ending love for their family.
Dalton Roberts…………………….06-21
Letha Gillaspie…………………….06-23
Shelley Basham…………………..06-23
Haley Basham…………………….06-23
Bill Brotton………………………….06-26
Pastor Debbie Senters……….06-26
Dean and Debbie Senters…..06-26
Serving You Today:
Pastor: Debbie Senters
Liturgist: Dee Moran
Pianist: Brook Roberts