Week of 4/3/2022


Bulletin for the Week of April 3rd, 2022

5th Sunday of Lent

Order of Service



Welcome/Opening Prayer

Hymn of Praise: UMH #172 – “My Jesus, I Love Thee” (Verses 1 & 2)

Call to Worship:
Leader: Six days before the Passover, Martha served Jesus dinner at Lazarus’ house. There, Mary took a pound of costly perfume and anointed Jesus’ feet.
PEOPLE: What’s in the air?
Leader: Mary poured her perfume on Jesus’ feet and then wiped his feet with her hair.
PEOPLE: She filled the air with the fragrance of her worship.
Leader: The prayers of the saints are like rising incense before God.
PEOPLE: The fragrance of their worship fills the air.
Leader: Today, let us raise a praise that touches the heart of God.
PEOPLE: Let the fragrance of our worship fill the air.
Leader: Let the fragrance of our worship fill the air!
PEOPLE: God, we offer our praise as a sweet fragrance that aspires to heaven. May the fragrance of our worship fill the air!

Celebration & Concerns of Church & Community

Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Bringing to God our Tithes and Offerings


Prayer of Thanksgiving

New Testament Reading: John 12:1-8
Leader: The Word of God for the people of God
PEOPLE: Thanks be to God

Gloria Patri

The Word Proclaimed with Pastor Debbie: “Gathered Up In Jesus: Filled With The Fragrance”

Communion Hymn: “Come to the Table” by Side Walk Prophets (LYRICS/MUSIC VIDEO LINK)

Holy Communion & Breaking the Bread

Closing Hymn: UMH #407 – “Close to Thee” (Verse 1)


Announcements & Community Events

Last call for Easter Lilies: If you would like to honor that special person for Easter, please sign up on the sheet in the lobby.

Bible Study: It will be held on Tuesday, at 10 a.m.

Sunday School: Please join us for classes each Sunday at 10 a.m.

Project Mind: You Matter: This event is today from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. at the Augusta High School, Commons Area. It will feature two speakers: Annie Turpin, a high school senior who is from Augusta and Jody McClure, a Christian life coach. Annie will talk about her experiences with bullying and mental health pressure and how she successfully dealt with them. Jody will focus on cues of stress and anxiety and how to cope with them.

Community Dinner: We will host the Community Dinner once again on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Thanks to all for your gift of time and food to make this event happen. Please see the sign-up sheets if you can help with the food.

Finance Committee Meeting: Our 2nd quarterly meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 13th at 6:30 p.m.


Hunter Mericle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-10


Alan & Polly Bloom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04-06

Serving You Today:

Pastor: Debbie Senters
Liturgist: Dee Moran
Pianist: Cathy Wiedeman

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