Tithes, Offerings, and Gifts
There are many ways to support our church’s ministries!
Place your gift in the Sunday offering plate
Make checks payable to Douglass United Methodist Church. If you would like to receive contribution credit for a cash gift, use a white offering envelope and be sure to write your name clearly. All gifts are credited to the church’s General Operating Fund unless otherwise noted. All special designations should be written on the memo line of your check.
Mail or bring your gift to the church office
Douglass United Methodist Church
PO Box 5
204 S Willow
Douglass, KS 67039
Gifts received between Sundays are posted in the next Sunday’s deposit
Online Donations
For those who wish to donate but don’t want to send a check or cash in the mail, we offer a way to use a debit/credit card or bank account to donate online! Its easy, convenient, and safe!
NOTE: For security and liability reasons, we can not accept donations over the phone. All debit/credit card/ACH donations must be done through the online giving portal. Cash or check donations may be mailed or donated in person as stated above.
Noisy Offering
On the fourth Sunday of every month, we will have our noisy offering. Bring your loose change and place it in the bucket during the Noisy Offering time right before the children’s sermon. All money collected during the Noisy Offering goes towards our church’s children’s programs.
If you have any questions regarding tithes and offerings at the Douglass United Methodist Church, please call the church office during normal office hours or leave a message.