January 2023

Pastor’s Notes:

Covenant Renewal with God – January 1, 2023
On Sunday, January 1st I shared a message about how important it is not only to prepare for the new year mentally, but also to prepare our hearts, our souls and
our bodies physically. It takes all four. At the end of the message, we spent some time renewing our covenant with God. I thought it might be helpful to review this information here. This comes from John Wesley.

In the old covenant, God chose Israel to be a special people and to obey the law. Our Lord Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, has made a new covenant with all who trust in him. We stand within this covenant, and we bear his name. On the one side, God promises in this covenant to give us new life in Christ. On the other side, we are pledged to live not for ourselves but for God. Today, therefore, we meet to renew the covenant which binds us to God.

Friends, let us claim the covenant God has made with his people, and accept the yoke of Christ. To accept the yoke of Christ means that we allow Christ to guide all that we do and are, and that Christ himself is our only reward. Christ has many services to be done; Some are easy, others are difficult; Some make others applaud us, others bring only reproach; Some we
desire to do because of our own interests; others seem unnatural. Sometimes we please Christ and meet our own needs.

At other times we cannot please Christ unless we deny ourselves. Yet Christ strengthens us and gives us the power to do all these things therefore, let us make this covenant
of God our own. Let us give ourselves completely to God, trusting in his promises and relying on his grace. (Read this and if you agree tell God “I do”) I give myself completely to you, God. Assign me to my place in your creation. Let me suffer me for you. Give me the work you would have me do. Give me many tasks or have me step aside while you call others. Put me forward or humble me. Give me riches or let me live in poverty.

I freely give all that I am and all that I have to you. And now, holy God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours. So be it. May this covenant made on earth continue for all eternity. Amen.

Pastor Janet

Church Headlines

Angel Tree

There were 10 boys and 3 girls who were matched up with angels. We hope and pray this was an added blessing to their Christmas. Thanks to all those who purchased gifts; Sheryl & Glenda for all your organizing to make this happen. And those who stepped in for Sheryl, at the last minute.

Christmas Boxes

The Ministerial Alliance spearheaded the gathering of items for the Christmas boxes, and each church in turn worked together to make this happen. We handed out boxes to 14 families.

Thank You

“With love in our hearts, we would like to express what a joy it is to serve the congregation. Thank you so much for the generous bonus bestowed upon each of us.”
Pastor Janet, Ev, Dee, Austin, Cathy & Trish


The sanctuary is warmed with red poinsettias by all those who honored loved ones. The ladies did an awesome decorating job of
adding beauty to the sanctuary for the advent and Christmas season.


We were blessed with a warm evening on Wednesday, Dec. 14th to go share the gift of song with many of our congregational families and shut-ins. Thanks to Dean & Glenda, Austin, Pastor Janet, Larry & Tammy, Dee, Jo Ann, Jeff and Ev & Wayne for warming the hearts of many.

Christmas Eve Service

Thanks to all who helped with the candlelight Christmas Eve Service. The musicians, Jaya Chakka, Glenda & Dean Lindteigen, Alisa & Wayne Bowman. To all the readers for the evening:, Glenda & Dean Lindteigen, Dee Moran, Tammy & Larry Darter, Jo Ann Turkett, & Mike Anderson. The traditional “Silent Night” and lighting of the candles joined us all as ONE as we surrounding the church sanctuary.


Don’t forget the on-line giving option found on the church website. Thanks to those who have signed up for regular giving. You can find a link right here!

Giving Ministry

We were blessed with some extra special monetary gifts throughout the year. Along with the regular contributions, our total for 2022 was $55,606.

Upcoming Events & Activities

01-03: Bible Study at 10:00 a.m.
01-04: Community Dinner 5:30 p.m.
01-07: UWF Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
01-10: Bible Study at 10:00 a.m.
01-11: Community Dinner 5:30
01-12: Book Signing Pastor Dan 7:00 p.m. at the Douglass Public Library
01-16: MLK Program at First UMC El Dorado 9:30 – 2:00 p.m.
01-17: Bible Study at 10:00 a.m
01-17: Leadership Bd at 11:00 a.m.
01-18: Community Dinner 5:30
01-24: Bible Study at 10:00 a.m
01-25: Community Dinner 5:30 p.m.
01-28: TEFAP 9:00-11:00 a.m.
01-31: Bible Study at 10:00 a.m

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