Week of June 4th, 2023
Order of Service
Opening Prayer: Pastor Janet
Hymn of Praise: UMH #467 – “Trust and Obey” (Verses 1 & 2)
Call to Worship:
Liturgist: God of love and of life, let us take time to look deep within ourselves and discover the gifts you have blessed us with.
PEOPLE: May we take the time to direct our lives in a way that best uses our own unique combination of gifts. May our education help us discover where our strengths and interests lie. May our faith guide us in realizing our gifts. May we always be open to the direction of the Spirit and never forget the love you have for each of us.
Liturgist: Give us, O Lord, the perception we need to look within ourselves and discover the beauty and gifts we possess.
PEOPLE: Give us the courage to show others the talents they have. Help us serve others in the community and in so doing build up your kingdom. We ask this through Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Contemporary Song: “Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone” by Chris Tomlin
Celebration & Concerns of Church & Community
Pastoral Prayer/Silent Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Bringing to God our Tithes and Offerings
Prayer of Thanksgiving: Pastor Janet
Graduate Recognition: Larry Darter
New Testament Reading: Romans 12: 6-8
Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God
PEOPLE: Thanks be to God
Gloria Patri: UMH #70
The Word Proclaimed with Pastor Janet: “God Gave Us All Gifts”
Holy Communion
Breaking the Bread
Closing Hymn: UMH #176 – “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” (Sing Twice)
Announcements & Community Events
Bible Study & Sunday School: Join us Tuesday and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. These will continue throughout the summer.
Funeral Luncheon: Thanks to all the United Women in Faith who helped furnish the lunch for Mary Ann Moore’s funeral. Our prayers of comfort remain with the family.
Great Plains Annual Conference: Pastor Janet will be attending the conference from June 7 to 10th that is being held in Omaha NB. Her friend Sherry Hagemeister will be attending as our alternate delegate for our church.
“The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.”
Water Aerobics: It will begin on Monday, June 5th from 6-7 and then Monday, Wednesday & Fridays from 6:00 – 7:00. Cost is $1 or free for seniors over 65.
City Wide Garage Sales: Clean out those closets, and set up for the garage sales being hosted from June 9th to June 11th.
Faith & Family Night: Take me out to the ball game! Join in an evening of watching the Wichita Wind Surge at the Riverfront Stadium on Wednesday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m.