Week of June 25th, 2023

Order of Service



Opening Prayer: Pastor Janet

Hymn of Praise: UMH #430 – “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee” (Verses 1 & 2)

Call to Worship:
Liturgist: People of God, tell it!
PEOPLE: We are not alone! We are children of God!
Liturgist: People of Christ, tell it!
PEOPLE: The Light has come in love and truth, teaching us to live in the Light.
Liturgist: People of the Spirit, tell it!
PEOPLE: The Spirit of truth reveals hidden things, offering healing through honest confession.
Liturgist: People of God, tell it!
PEOPLE: We are not alone! We are children of God! Amen.

Contemporary Song: “Build My Life” by Brett Younker

Celebration & Concerns of Church & Community
Pastoral Prayer/Silent Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

Bringing to God our Tithes and Offerings
Offertory/Doxology/Noisy Offering

Prayer of Thanksgiving: Pastor Janet

Old Testament Reading: Genesis 21: 8-21
Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God.
PEOPLE: Thanks be to God.

Gloria Patri: UMH #70

The Word Proclaimed with Pastor Janet: “God’s Plan Is Best To Follow”

Closing Hymn: UMH #393 – “Spirit of the Living God”



Announcements & Community Events

Bible Study & Sunday School: Join us Tuesday and Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

TEFAP: Thanks to all those who helped with the distribution. Always so many willing hands.

Hope Connections: who helps persons in need of food in Douglass and Rose Hill has been inundated with people in need this summer. The cupboards are bare. They have some items, but the ones that are in short supply are: Crackers, Peanut Butter, Ravioli, Canned Chicken and Canned Meat, Granola Bars, Spaghetti Sauce. Cash donations are also accepted.

Senior Center: The Monterey Dinner will be held on Monday, June 26th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Suggested donation is $10.00.

Card Players: Anyone up for cards? They will be getting together on Tuesday, June 27th at 1:30 p.m.

Faith & Family Night: Take me out to the ball game! Join in an evening of watching the Wichita Wind Surge at the Riverfront Stadium on Wednesday, June 28th at 6:00 p.m.

Love in the Lunchbox: We will be hosting walking tacos for the lunchbox program on Thursday, June 29th at 11:00 a.m. Sheryl will need some volunteers to help her on that day. They have been serving up to 60 children per day.