Ash Wednesday Service – 3/2/2022
Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022
Order of Service
Welcome/Opening Prayer
“Lord, I Want to Be a Christian” – UMH #402
A Call to Begin a Journey to the Cross
Prayer of Confession (inspired by Psalm 51)
Response after each petition: Have mercy on us, O God, According to your steadfast love.
Words of Assurance
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Meditation: Gathered Up in Jesus: Piety Patience
“We Come” Litany
P: In the softness of evening, in the solace of silence we come to you, O Lord.
C: We come for acceptance, we come for community; we come for forgiveness and love.
P: In the serenity of day’s end, in the restfulness of worship, we come to you O Lord.
C: We come to you for respite; we come to you for completion; we come to you for forgiveness and love.
P: In the quiet of the night, in the comfort of darkness we come to you, O Lord.
C: We come for peace; we come for comfort; we come for forgiveness and love. We come, O Lord of Light, Seeing the illumination of your Word. We come for the path we can’t find; We come for the life we don’t have. We come to you for our lives are death and you along have breath and being.
Response to call to the Lenten Journey
“Take My Life and Let it Be” & Imposition of the Ashes
A Blessing for Ash Wednesday
Closing Hymn: Just As I Am, Without One Plea – UMH #357 (Verses 1 & 2)
Sending Forth in Silence